Detoxing, or the process of clearing the body of any drugs or alcohol that an individual has consumed is a process to be taken seriously. Whether it is a detox off heroin, fentanyl, or any other highly addictive substance, the process will be taxing on both the body and mind. For this reason, it is important for the individual going through detox from drugs to be in a safe environment. As we will go over together in this article, there is one place that stands above the rest when it comes to places to detox.
In this article, we will cover all there is to know about how to safely detox from drugs and alcohol, as well as the best places to do so. There is a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in.
What is Detoxification like?
There are multiple ways to detox off of drugs like heroin and fentanyl, but the safest and most effective way is through an inpatient treatment center. There are several steps, or stages that a patient can expect to go through during a fentanyl detox. While all patients can expect to go through these stages in one way or another, they will vary from patient to patient, as no two detoxes are the same.
Stage 1: Drug Replacement
A patient will generally enter rehab while they are either already undergoing withdrawal symptoms or are still intoxicated from their last drug use. In this regard, medical professionals’ first step in weaning a patient off of a drug like fentanyl is to replace the original addictive substance with something else.
For patients suffering from opioid use, some of the most common substitution drugs are Suboxone, methadone, and Buprenorphine. All three of these drugs are FDA-approved treatments for relieving the withdrawal symptoms from drugs like fentanyl. They will also help reduce any cravings for the original drug – something that almost always accompanies symptoms of withdrawal.
Stage 2: Tailored Treatment
This stage is defined by the time a patient will be going through withdrawal. Patients should be expected to go through the pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal symptoms. However, in an inpatient treatment center, these symptoms will be minimized by the drug replacement and help from medical professionals.
While it varies with each patient, peak withdrawal symptoms normally occur within the first 48 hours. Lingering symptoms can be expected to occur up to a week after the last dose of the original drug.
During the initial hours, days, and weeks of detox from fentanyl, patients can expect to experience a variety of the following symptoms:
- Sweating
- Chills
- Uncontrollable runny nose and tearful eyes
- Intense stomach pain, and sometimes vomiting
- Insomnia
- Rapid breathing and rapid heart rate
- Hypertension and exhaustion
In addition to physical symptoms, patients will also experience a combination of emotional withdrawal symptoms, the most common of which are as follows:
- Uncontrollable mood swings
- Anxiety and stress
- Depression
- Problems with memory or cognitive function
- Intense cravings
Once again, in recognition of how serious these symptoms are, it is always recommended that addicts going through fentanyl or heroin detox, do so through an inpatient treatment center.
Stage 3: Psychological Recovery
While the physical symptoms of a detox from drugs will subside in the initial days and weeks after a patient begins detoxification, the emotional and psychological ones will often stick around for months or even years.
Eventually, each patient has to leave the recovery center. This means no longer having access to the replacement drugs that helped them manage their fentanyl or heroin cravings during the initial stages of detox. It also means not having access to the professional help and support inside the treatment center.
It is never easy for patients to leave a treatment center. Staying clean is a taxing process for anyone, and will require help from family, friends, recovery groups, and psychologists.
Why Should Someone Choose a Recovery Center?
The seriousness of a detox can often be overlooked. When considered the intensity of symptoms that all patients go through during a detox from fentanyl, it’s no question as to why an inpatient medical center is preferrable to doing it “cold turkey.” The symptoms of rapidly changing heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure can even cause a person to experience a stroke or heart attack. The ongoing symptoms of anxiety and depression are no less serious. Without proper, professional assistance in managing these symptoms, people who try to quit cold turkey may end up relapsing or harming themselves.
When detoxing from drugs like fentanyl or heroin, going to an inpatient treatment center is always advised. The medical professionals at treatment centers will be able to create a custom detox plan for each patient. There is no cut and dry, or “one size fits all” method for detoxing. Each patient will go through detox on a different timeline, and require tailored assistance. It’s impossible to know on your own what an addict will go through during withdrawal. The good news is that the medical professionals at inpatient treatment centers have seen it, and helped hundreds of patients through it before. With their experience and knowledge in detoxification, you can rest assured knowing they will provide the best possible treatment.
A Conclusion on How to Detox from Drugs
When detoxing from fentanyl or heroin, the first step is always the hardest. The detoxification process is not just a physical battle, but a mental and emotional one too. In this regard, recovering addicts can expect to go through three basic stages of detox: drug replacement, withdrawal, and ongoing recovery. There is no doubt that recovery is an uphill battle. It is difficult no matter how a patient decides to go through it, but there is also no denying the advantages in professional help that inpatient recovery centers offer.
If you or a loved one are currently battling the troubles of a detox from drugs like fentanyl or heroin, the next best step you could take would be to register with an inpatient treatment center. In the greater Los Angeles area, Blue Coast Behavioral Health has become the go-to option for all recovery needs. They’ve helped hundreds of struggling individuals get their lives back on track through the treatment process described above. Feel free to contact their experienced medical professionals anytime at: 714-203-2708