Triple C, Skittles, Candy, Red Devils–what do all of these seemingly innocuous things have in common? They sound like treats but in truth represent a…
We’ve all seen the trope. A person struggling with active addiction gets wrangled up and abruptly thrown in front of a concerned group of loved…
Raise your hand if you remember sitting in your middle school’s auditorium pretending to listen to an overly-excited stranger host a D.A.R.E. assembly. Obviously, I…
If one were to take a survey of addiction treatment methods used in residential and outpatient care environments, there would be a common theme: they…
When someone thinks of an alcoholic they may imagine someone with messed up clothes, bad hair, no job, and maybe no place to live. This…
Watching someone you love fall deeper into the toxic behaviors spawned by their addiction is torture. Among other things, it no doubt led you to…
Addiction is ugly and brutal and completely undesirable. Given its toxic nature, it’s hard to decide if we’d rather addiction manifest at random or accept…
What sort of process can enablers go through when trying to help friends or family with addiction issues? The cycle of enabling begins with the…
Deciding if you need drug and alcohol treatment can be a difficult decision— maybe the most difficult decision a person has to make. Nobody imagines…